There is nothing worse than writing amazing content on your website and then seeing it used by someone else without your consent either on another website or in a social media post word for damn work or an image you took or created yourself that you are very chuffed about.
Here is one solution, a free WordPress plugin called:
WP Content Copy Protection & No Right Click
You can use this plugin to stop people selecting text, copying it or saving images from your website. I know some photographers who use this religiously to protect their images in particular.
Now I want to also say that there are other methods to extract content out there from a web page that makes it hard to stop a determined copycat. But this will at least deter the more regular people from attempting to copy your content and maybe turn their efforts to actually thinking for themselves.
I’ve been building WordPress websites for over a decade, spoken at conferences around the world, and taught countless people how to build and maintain their sites.
I know its a jungle out there finding the right people for website development.
But I’m here to help.
Author Profile – Tony Cosentino