Mindmap of How to review and prepare to build a website

by | developers, How to

Using mindmapping tools to plan or review a website

I use this mindmap whenever preparing to

  • quote on rebuilding an existing website
  • planning to build a new website from scratch the same elements must be accounted for

It shows the main areas anyone thinking about a new website needs to think about and take notes on. Using a mindmap allows me to take a broad overview and then focus on the details when I need to. It all collapses right down to an easy to manage page

If you open this link you will be able to look at my mindmap in details and zoom in and out.

Mindmeister is my favourite mindmapping tool

This is a totally online tool, accounts with www.mindmeister.com are $5/month for 1 user which allows you to have unlimited mindmaps you can access from any computer or ipad (via app).


Cropped view (too large to completely fit here of course. Use link above to see the whole thing.

mindmap of how to analyse and plan a website

mindmap of how to analyse and plan a website


Anyone can now use this template, its been added to the template library!

I submitted this minmap to Mindmeister as a template and they have now included it for all to use which is great.

To use it after logging in to your account create a new mindmap and you will be shown the templates available. Go to the technology section and there it will be. Its called Website Analysis.


website analysis template in minmeister templates


How do you prepare to build websites?

Please leave a comment to share with others.


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