justbecos I like them: issue #2

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This weeks articles, posts, website I have discovered and sent via twitter. To get them as I tweet them follow me on twitter – @justbecos.

monday 1 june 2009

1. Business Card Tutorial using Inkscape. completely free software that works on all platforms.

2. How to Download Embedded Flash Files using your Browser.has instructions for IE and firefox.http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-download-embedded-flash-swf-files-using-your-browser/

3. 30 Inspiring Dark and Sleek Web Designs. lots of cool grey, brown, black and blue websites. http://sixrevisions.com/design-showcase-inspiration/30-inspiring-dark-and-sleek-web-designs/

best_today4. Top 7 Twitter Tutorials on YouTube. very useful for anyone new to twitter still feeling a little lost. http://mashable.com/2009/05/31/twitter-tutorials-youtube/

5. Where I Write. photos of fantasy and science fiction authors in their creative spaces. clutter is good! http://whereiwrite.org/

6. 20 Inspiring Uses of Data Visualization. great use of visuals to show data results and concepts. http://singlefunction.com/20-inspiring-uses-of-data-visualization/

7. Useful Glossaries For Web Designers and Developers.. typography, useability,web,design,print,marketing http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/05/29/useful-glossaries-for-web-designers-and-developers/

8. Create a 3D Text Scene Using Photoshop. illustrator for the text. good use of textures here too. http://www.tutorialmagazine.com/tutorials/view/create_a_3d_text_scene_using_photoshop_60

9. 12 Tips For Designing an Excellent Checkout Process. no registration needed to shop, accurate avail etc http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/05/28/12-tips-for-designing-an-excellent-checkout-process/

10. Best of the Web – May 2009 – Psdtuts. awesome collection of graphic and web design tuts, articles, imgs http://psd.tutsplus.com/articles/web/best-of-the-web-may-2009/

tuesday 2 june 2009

1. 25 Sites to Download Royalty-Free Stock Photos and Textures. great when image or textures budget is zero

2. 7 Technologies Shaping the Future of Social Media.arduino, RFID tags, geomag sens, opt patt recog, openID http://mashable.com/2009/06/01/social-media-future-tech/

3. The Ultimate Guide to Setting up WordPress after an Install. really great advice covering most areas http://www.problogdesign.com/wordpress/the-ultimate-guide-to-setting-up-wordpress-after-an-install/

4. New search engine by microsoft called Bing has gone live, see what all the fuss is about. http://www.bing.com/ http://www.bing.com

most_popular2 5. 22 Extremely Well Written Icon Design Tutorials. all beautiful and useful icons to make yourself http://webdesignledger.com/tutorials/22-extremely-well-written-icon-design-tutorials

6. The Ultimate Collection of The Best Ornament Photoshop Brushes. amazing collection all in one place. http://www.minervity.com/features/photoshop/the-ultimate-collection-of-the-best-ornament-photoshop-brushes/

wednesday 3 june 2009

1 .Ultimate Guide to Delicious Social Bookmarking. I love this online bookmarking system. http://www.interactiveinsightsgroup.com/blog1/ultimate-guide-to-delicious-social-bookmarking/

2 .Sexy Drop Down Menu with jQuery & CSS. good step by step instructions to make a good looking menu http://www.noupe.com/tutorial/drop-down-menu-jquery-css.html

3 .10 Awesome Free Handwritten Fonts. want to add that personal touch, these fonts are very nice. http://www.myinkblog.com/2009/05/21/10-awesome-free-handwritten-fonts/

4 .Send a Fax for Free online – tested this site. took 10mins for fax to arrive. confirms when sent,impressive http://www.myfax.com/free/

5 .5 Websites to Learn a LOT More About Photography & DigiCams. good collection of photography sites. http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/five-websites-to-learn-a-lot-more-about-photography-and-digital-cameras/

most_popular2 6 .A – Z of Web Design. one of the coolest lists I’ve seen in one place for ages. all so useful! http://blog.iampaddy.com/2008/12/23/a-z-of-web-design/

7 .Launch a Business, Not a Side Project. very sensible approach, easy to read, not overwhelming. http://thinkvitamin.com/business/launch-a-business-not-a-side-project-2/

8 .Best video card for your money: June 2009. for those who say there is no such thing as too much grunt! http://www.hardware-revolution.com/best-video-card-june-2009/

9 .Cleaning Your Laptop Cooling System. simple process but could extend the life of your laptop http://www.instructables.com/id/Cleaning-Your-Laptop-Cooling-System/

10 .Review: Campaign Monitor, Email Newsletter Software. who needs an online email marketing application? http://thinkvitamin.com/features/review-campaign-monitor-email-newsletter-software/

thursday 4 june 2009

1 .50 Beautiful Hand-Drawn Web Design.just great to see freestyled designs. need some inspiration? http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/60-beautiful-hand-drawn-web-design/

2 .Google Squared (its new). matrix style search from labs guys. could be useful for some applications http://www.google.com/support/faqs/bin/answer.py?answer=139211

3 .10 Wordpress Plugins That Will Increase Your Search Engine Ranking.very good. broken link checker too. http://www.webdesignbooth.com/10-wordpress-plugins-that-will-increase-your-search-engine-ranking/

4 .Freebie: High Res Cracks Brushes for Photoshop.nice set made from the cracks photos from another post http://designm.ag/freebies/high-res-photoshop-cracks-brushes/

5 .CSSline – All about excellent css sites.lots of sites you can sort by colour or type http://cssline.com/

6 .5 Useful WordPress Functions You Didn’t Know Existed.grass roots wordpress code but not overwhelming http://www.nathanrice.net/blog/5-useful-wordpress-functions-you-didnt-know-existed/

7 .Palm Pre review.linux based mobile. in depth. lot of pics. not better than iphone just different. http://www.engadget.com/2009/06/03/palm-pre-review/

8 .9 Ways People Respond to Your Content Online.1 screen article with sound advice about better content http://lateralaction.com/articles/9-responses/

most_popular2 9 .jQuery TOOLS – Demo areaa collection of jquery tools like tabs, embedding flash or video, tooltips http://flowplayer.org/tools/demos/index.html

10 .How You Can Protect Linux and Get [email protected].costs $99 per year. now don’t say nobody told you http://www.linuxfoundation.org/news-media/blogs/browse/2009/06/how-you-can-protect-linux-and-get-yournamelinuxcom

friday 5 june 2009

1 .MOBIFY – Make Your website mobile.converts website to be mobile friendly. fanatastic service I think http://www.mobify.me/

2 .6 Free PSD/(X)HTML-Templates.good to use as an example for design ideas. all quite different too. http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/06/04/6-free-psdxhtml-templates/

3 .Magento – eCommerce Software for Growth.highly recommended free ecommerce platform, powerful tool http://www.magentocommerce.com/

4 .Website made out of YouTube video. now thats what i call creative minds at work, love it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Elo7WeIydh8

best_today 5 .Heard Mentallity.really good example of good clean design using wordpress as a back-end (music blog) http://www.heardmentallity.com/

6 .What is a hybrid bike?In response question from @HelenCrozier a cross between a road & mountain bike http://bicycling.about.com/od/howtoride/a/hybrids.htm

7 .Freelancing in a Niche: 5 Ways to Market Your Servicesgood advice to make your niche work for you. http://www.freelanceswitch.com/finding/freelancing-in-a-niche-5-ways-to-market-your-services/#comment-39646

8 .40 Fascinating Digital Painting Tutorials.great place to learn the art of painting without paint! http://psd.tutsplus.com/articles/web/40-fascinating-digital-painting-tutorials/

9 .Free Textures from TextureKing.fantastic range of free textures. metal,liquid,grunge,paint etc http://www.textureking.com/

10 .30 Sites Every Freelancer Should Visit and Utilize.this is a golden link. enjoy http://freelancefolder.com/30-sites-every-freelancer-should-visit-and-utilize/

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