How to migrate a website the easy way using BackupBuddy Stash

by | Blog, How to

The backupbuddy has long been used as a brilliant tool for transferring a website from one location to another. Now with the BackupBuddy Stash storage service it has made setting up a new website from a backup even easier and much faster than ever before. Previously you had to download a backup copy of a website, then re-upload it to the new web hosting. Now the cloud based backup can be sent to the cloud based hosting without you needing to be the middle person anymore.

This can be needed for a number of reasons:

  • relocating to new web hosting
  • for web developers – moving a staging site to the live site url
  • rebuilding after a site has been compromised / hacked
  • restoring after the web host has lost a server (unusual but can happen especially if you bought it from a smaller operator)

Setup iThemes BackupBuddy Stash account

First 256MB is free then its $35 per year for 5GB which is brilliant

Install BackupBuddy plugin

This is done on the website you are making a copy of
This one has a range of prices. Lowest option is 2 websites for $75 per year. Such cheap insurance if you think about how much money you lose if your website is lost without a current backup!

Add a new destination via backupbuddy on the website you are copying which we’ll call Site A

Add BackupBuddy Stash account details

Make full backup of Site A

Send completed backup to remote destination
This will go to your new Stash account
The file will be then sent to your Stash account as per message below.

Setup importbuddy password

Download importbuddy.php file to your computer

Upload importbuddy file to Site B folder where the website will be installed

You can upload this via the file manager of your web hosting control panel or via ftp software

Enter in the following address to you web browser:

The enter the importbuddy password you created in earlier step

Select Stash option and enter BackupBuddy Stash account details

Select backup made from Site A previously

Now wait a minute or 2 for the backup to be copied from Stash to your SiteB hosting (maybe more for larger sites)

You will see the message below when its done.

Files will now be unzipped for you.

When finished click on next step

Finally add the database name, username and password that you will need to create via the control panel of the Site B web hosting

The rest you do as normal when using backup buddy.
The WP Guy - Tony Cosentino

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