Setup a wordpress website

by | Blog, How to

Install wordpress

Wordpress needs to be installed via your website hosting company control panel

Ensure CGI is enabled this one piece in the puzzle can stop it from working


For this example I will be talking about one theme only called ‘painter’ which I have found useful for the task at hand.  It has customisable colours and you upload your own header easily.

Tip: Make your header image a PNG file that is 980 x 120 pixels and it will look perfect.

Go to the Wordpress Plugins area and download theme called painter

There is a slight issue with the way menus are displayed, the home page button get repeated twice if you make a page called home and then refer to it as the home page.

To fix this issue do the following:

  • open your theme’s header.php file in a plain text editor on your computer (Notepad would be fine)
  • make a backup copy, just in case something goes wrong
  • find the link anchor tag:<a href...>Home</a> with the link text "Home"
  • delete it
  • upload the edited file via FTP to your server in the proper directory: wp-content/themes/painter/
Free Theme Directories

freethemelayouts – really good themes and all free

list of 55 free themes – good list by the OpenSourceHunter of lots of different themes from a large variety of sources.


These plugins I think are fundamental to most websites and are a good baseline. How to use them is well explained on the Wordpress site that. Follow the links below for instructions on how to install and use them.


creates a contact form that does not reveal your address to spammers


this puts a stats option right on the admin dashboard

  • need to have the official wordpress account api for this (the website will be linked to your login if it is used here)


register the website with google analytics

copy the website specific code

use code when activating the plugin


for displaying images in an easy to use gallery which is ofter required by clients


makes life a lot easier when adding images to a post or page

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