Here is a simple way to make a 404 page you can easily edit as a normal page from the wordpress admin area. What is a 404 page A 404 page is the page someone visiting your website gets sent to if they type in an address on you site that doesn't exist. for example...
How to add a contact form on a hosted website
Please note this is specifically for websites that are hosted on the free site. Is NOT relevant to self hosted WordPress websites. Watch the video here to see how to add a contact form to a hosted website.
10 great WordPress shopping carts
Here are 10 WordPress shopping carts you can research when looking for an eCommerce solution for your website. A common question by newcomers to WordPress is can you do eCommerce or shopping carts with WordPress and the answer is a resounding yes you can. And to prove...
Why use webhosting?
Which webhosting should I use for my WordPress website? A common question asked via twitter and directly from my clientsI get asked this question all of the time. So here is why I recommend, demand, suggest, beg anyone I talk to to use I use...
How to add a domain to you Media Temple web hosting account
Media Temple have recently changed the flow of how this process works and it looks a little daunting the first time you try to add a domain name to your existing account. Here's how to do it in 5 easy steps with a screenshot for each. Step 1 Under the Domains tab...

How to add a 301 redirect with MediaTemple web hosting
If you have Media Temple web hosting with the GS or Grid Service this is a really quick and easy way to setup a 301 redirect to divert all traffic from one domain to another Step 1 After logging in go to the Account Center select Overview -> Admin Step 2 Select...

How to recoverer from putting the wrong link in an email campaign
Ok so s%^$# happens but if it's a business link you need it fixed fast. There are a few things you need to have also. Detection Great friends/clients who will alert you to broken links in the first place. Within minutes of my email campaign going out I had an email...

5 Plugins in 5 minutes
This was a lightning (as in lightning fast) talk I gave at WordCamp Melbourne. In the prezi presentation below I show 5 of my favourite plugins at the moment. They can help you make your website that little bit more professional and streamline your work processes. The...

WordCamp Melbourne 26-27 Feb 2011
Who needs to go? If you are new to WordPress and live in the Melbourne area you need to go to WordCamp Melbourne. If you are a WordPress developer and need to learn more skills and meet other developers you need to get on a plane if you have to and go to this event....

How to change user from subscriber to administrator in WordPress
Just a very quick video showing how to change the acces rights of a user that was created in error at the subscriber level which is the default setting in WordPress. This video demonstrates how to change the user access rights in WordPress from subscriber to...
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