How to setup online forms
Online forms are real challenge these days for reliability and mobile friendly use etc. I would strongly recommend the use of a 3rd party software as a service form tool instead of the various free and paid WordPress form plugins available. The reason...

Online forms suck Online forms suck! And they should right, suck leads in and deliver new business to your inbox, suck new subscribers to your newsletter mailing list but in reality they more often than not suck resources from your website, suck spam into...
How to setup a startup website
This example is a website I recently setup for one of my passions, coffee roasting called The Breaded Roaster at A simple explanation of the layout is: Left side: - Title and tagline - Image of me that has been manipulated with a few photo...
Apple watch review by Tim Noonan
Excellent review of the Apple watch accessibility with Voiceover from a vision impaired perspective user. Tim Noonan from has written and extensive blog post on the subject of Apple watch accessibility with voiceover. Voiceover is the apple screen...
Good domain name registration and web hosting companies – finally!
Buying a domain name Its a minefield that's for sure. Most domain companies are either a rip off or are so cheap that if you ever have a problem you will go insane dealing with the cheapest support staff on the planet. Until now I have not seen any company that gets...
How to install Hello Bar Solo the Developers version of Hello Bar
The hello bar has been a mini revolution since it hit the streets a short time ago. There are imitations of it out there now but I think its still one of the best tools you can use to increase interaction with your website visitors. Who is this post for? This post is...
How to migrate a website the easy way using BackupBuddy Stash
The backupbuddy has long been used as a brilliant tool for transferring a website from one location to another. Now with the BackupBuddy Stash storage service it has made setting up a new website from a backup even easier and much faster than ever before. Previously...
How to add a custom sharing service to Jetpack plugin
In this example I will show you how to add the bufferapp button for sharing posts with the jetpack sharing feature. Create / find an icon for the service that is a png file that is 16x16 pixels and upload to the website via media upload and use the link. Locate the...
Plugin Spectacular presentation I did at WordCamp Sydney
The whole plugin spectacular presentation from WordCamp Sydney by Tony Cosentino. [slideshare id=13716023&doc=pluginswordcampsydney2012-120721184508-phpapp02] What the hell are plugins? accessories to add to your vehicle php/javascript injection for dummies...
WP Plugin Shopping Cart
WordPress is one of the top choices available today for web owners to use as their website. This is due to its many attractions, including plugins and its numerous customizable features. Other than widgets, plugins extend the functionality of the website and increase...

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