Wiki Page
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WordPress plugins that I find useful
Extensive WordPress plugins listing for business websites. If you are in business and want to get the most from WordPress revue this list. I have tried and tested these plugins and if I find a better plugin I will update this list regularly. Bookmark this page as a...
Google Wave resource
This is a living post. I will be adding information about Google Wave as I find it in real time.Sunday 25 October 2009: A great blog post has just gone online by Francie Jones (Twitter: @FrancieJones ) at explaining Google Wave from her...
Dropped mobile in the toilet – don’t panic
Ok hands up who have dropped a phone into liquid of some kind.... Do STEP 1 & STEP 2 as fast as possible as they are really what mean the difference between the life or death of the phone. After you have done those relax and take your time. Step 1: Retreive the...
How to turn off PUSH notifications on SIMPLY TWEET iphone app
For an excellent full review about SIMPLY TWEET read Helen Crozier's post I started using the app and found it great to use and found the PUSH notification quite a novelty which...
Help Stop Internet Censorship
I am currently studying a subject called Internet Politics and Power at Uni. It has really opened my eyes to the amount of freedom we could potentially be losing through the proposed internet filter the Australian Federal Government is proposing. The petition below is...
Make you old iPhone 3G record and upload video
Why Ok well I've had my iPhone since it was first released about a year ago. When the new 3GS came out I wasn't phased and felt no urge to rush out and get the new phone. Then I was having trouble updating my apps from the app store and thought here we go its going to...
iPhone bicycle / bike mount
Well I managed to locate a mount for the iPhone that was made for a bike at [nggallery id=bike_mount] After doing the usual searches online I came accross a discussion on the forum about mounts here. It was there...
justbecos I like them: issue #4
15 - 19 June 2009. This weeks articles, posts & websites I have discovered and sent via twitter. To get them as I tweet them follow me on twitter - @justbecos. Quite an eventful week, iphone OS 3.0 was released. See Thurdsays for some iphone useful links about...
justbecos I like them: issue #3
8 - 12 June 2009. This weeks articles, posts & websites I have discovered and sent via twitter. To get them as I tweet them follow me on twitter - @justbecos. 1 .8 Excellent Tools for Optimizing Your Images. improve page response times. these are mainly png tools...
The WP Guy
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